March 23, 2011

Welcome Baby Eden!

Introducing the newest little member of our family!

Little Miss Eden Michelle made her arrival on March 20 at 5:38pm.
6 lbs 12 oz, 19 inches

And all girl! ♥ (I was in complete shock! Totally expecting another boy and could not have been ANY happier to be blessed with a baby GIRL!)
She is just the sweetest little thing. I can't get enough of her precious little face and her sweet newborn smell. I am in love.

I'm not the only one. Daddy is so proud of his baby girl and Gavin is completely over the moon in love with his baby sister. All he wants to do is hold her and cuddle her and stroke her little face. He is very gentle and protective and is loving his new role as big brother. I'm so proud of him!

We are so, so extremely blessed!


  1.!. So beautiful!! congrats again.

  2. Awwww, Congratulations!!!!! What a Beautiful Family!!!!! I am so happy for you all!

  3. Hey Daley Fam! Congrats to you all and I am sure that Gavin will be a great big brother. I lost all my contacts from my phone but I have been meaning to call and say hi. Gavin & Sheriauna still have a raincheck on their playdate. We're going to the May CHAMP seminar in Ottawa this year b/c we can't make it to the fall seminar. Give me a call or email me Sherylee

  4. Congrats!!! Welcome baby Eden!
