July 28, 2011

3 Years Old

I just wanted to share a few of my favourite pictures from Gavin's birthday.

He was a very happy little boy to wake up on his birthday and find a John Deere tractor (the one he had been asking for incessantly) in the backyard from Gramma and Grampa! He is so proud!

Soon it was time for his party! Auntie Michelle makes his birthday cupcakes every year and they seem to get better every single time!

The birthday boy!

Gavin had a few friends over in the backyard and they played basketball and hockey! It was a great day :)

Look at these two. They were inseparable. Best buds! ♥

Yes, so our little boy is three now. I know everyone talks about "the terrible twos". But so far, I think they might have it wrong and I know a lot of parents who would vouch for me on this one! So far, three is turning out to be a lot more of a challenge!

We love you Gavin! Even when you're grumpy!

July 22, 2011

Lucky Fin Love

I just came across one of many adorable pictures of the two of them together. Gabby and Gavin, that is. They have grown so much in 1 year!! Thanks Annya, for all the awesome pictures we have thanks to your photoshoots!

Which reminded me to spread the word that we entered another entry into Holland Bloorview's filmpossible contest for bringing visibility to disability! It is a really striking photo of their little arms wearing their lucky fin bracelets with pride. Its a close-up that shows their baby or pinky fingers, as they call them. So cute. Love this picture! :)


We hope you will vote every day because Cisco is donating $1 for every vote (and also we wouldn't complain if we won either.)

You can vote for as many entries per day as you like and there are lots of other great entries too! :)

July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Gavin!

On this day three years ago, Gavin Michael James was born and our lives were forever changed! ♥

He put me through almost 57 hours of labour (but who's counting?). He was a VERY high-maintenance baby. He was the WORST sleeper. And his tantrums are still long and exhausting, worthy of an Academy Award.

All because he is stubborn like his Mommy! And strong-willed and determined. And smart. He knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. He's emotional. And FULL of energy (a LOT of energy).

And guess what else?

He is the sweetest, most loving boy in the whole world. He is the best big brother ever. He is my best helper. He is caring and sensitive. He is hilarious. And he has a smile that can light up the whole world.

He is an amazing little guy and I could not possibly love him any more than I already do! Until he tells me, "I love you too much sweetheart" and wraps those skinny little arms around me. And then I realize that I love him a little bit more each & every day.

Happy Birthday Gavy! I am so proud of you! Wishing you the best birthday ever!! I love you too much!

July 5, 2011

Jim Abbott quotes

"People will tell you that I overcame obstacles? Maybe. But the truth is I was incredibly blessed in my life. More was given than was ever taken away."

"Some of you may know that my career statistics weren't that great. There were some incredible highlights and some agonizing low lights. The truth is, I won't go to the hall of fame. But if a career can be measured by special moments, lessons learned, and a connection with people then I would stack mine up with oneness. Maybe there is an obligation to share. To try and learn from the experiences life puts us through."

- Jim Abbott, former one handed baseball pitcher, and motivational speaker

If I Knew You and You Knew Me

If I knew you and you knew me --
If both of us could clearly see,
And with an inner sight divine
The meaning of your heart and mine --
I'm sure that we would differ less
And clasp our hands in friendliness;
Our thoughts would pleasantly agree
If I knew you and you knew me.

If I knew you and you knew me,
As each one knows his own self, we
Could look each other in the face
And see therein a truer grace.
Life has so many hidden woes,
So many thorns for every rose;
The "why" of things our hearts would see,
If I knew you and you knew me.

by Nixon Waterman